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Weekend Warrior: The Badlands

Dear Travel Diary,

They call them "fly-over states;" simply the patchwork view from an airplane window en route to Los Angeles from New York City.

Who'd want to live down there / in the middle of nowhere
Jason Aldean, "Fly Over States"

Without discrediting anything NYC or LA has to offer, we must not ignore the in between. If your only exposure to the middle of America is the view from an airplane seat, then please observe what you are missing out on ...

This perspective is absolutely stunning.

The next morning, we got up early in order to be on the road by 8:30 a.m. with the intent to drive through the Badlands.

Here again, we were treated to up-close views of the wildlife.

And here again, my son's geography lessons were brought to life as they explored, touched and climbed, while keeping an eye out for rattlesnakes.

We were home by 7:30 p.m. and crashed into our own beds at 8. It was a whirlwind weekend adventure, but certainly worth every minute.

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