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Boston Public Garden - Boston, MA

Dear Diary,
Within walking distance of the hotel was the Public Garden, and to burn off some energy, we ventured over to walk the grounds.

Fresh snow dusted the sidewalks, much to the kids' delight.

(See what I mean about having energy to burn?) 

We were able to cross the pedestrian bridge above the pond and observe the Equestrian Statue of George Washington, which was unveiled on July 3, 1869.

The Boston Public Garden is considered the first public botanical garden established in America, despite the two centuries that separate its founding and the founding of America's first public park (which is across the street and detailed in tomorrow's blog post).

Much of the gardens were nestled beneath the Christmas snow, but if they are anything like the Victorian gardens at the Como Conservatory, then I'm sure they're a feast for the eyes.

Much to my surprise, I learned  the early days brought many a complaint over the "unnatural combinations" of plants that flowered in the gardens and people deemed them "beyond the bounds of good taste."

Today I'm pleased to report the Public Garden is one of Boston's most popular tourist attractions.

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