The story of “us” begins with an awkward hello between two college freshmen in a dorm room in Dubuque, Iowa.
Within the limits of this city, we met, got engaged and brought our first child into the world. Bachelor degrees were earned here, first “real” jobs were worked here and our first apartment was rented here. Ultimately, Dubuque launched us into the lifestyle we so much enjoy now.
When our time off meshed with Landen’s recent 4-day weekend, we rented a Suburban and made the 4-hour trek south to introduce our children to the city where it all began. So much of the area remained untouched, while other parts showcased a progressive growth. Upon settling into our room at the Hilton on City Island, we mapped out a quick itinerary that included a driving tour of “our” spots, exploring the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium, swimming in the Grand Harbor indoor waterpark, and enjoying each other’s company.
The experience felt like we had closed a circle. This city served as the backdrop to so many of our “firsts,” and now, here we are 10 years later. It was the kind of weekend that made sense, where everything seamlessly fell into place, and we returned home grateful (albeit exhausted) with a renewed spirit to continue to move forward.
If you want to know where you’re going, you must first honor where you’ve been.
Thank you, Dubuque, for a lovely weekend – though you are a small city, you hold a rather large place in our hearts.
(As seen through a dirty passenger side window ... #RealLife)
Mr. Landen was born at this hospital, so the photo-op was necessary.
The detail in the architecture of the historic estates is stunning.
And no trip to Dubuque is complete without a visit to the National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium. The kids enjoyed watching the fish and other animals native to the river!
This turtle has earned the nickname "Grumpy Turtle" with his frown.
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